Healthcare Scholarship: American Holistic Nurses Association
Overview of the American Holistic Nurses Association Grant
The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) offers a research grant of up to $5,000 to current AHNA members who are conducting holistic nursing research. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, doctoral students completing research toward their degrees.
Applicants must submit a 3 to 5-page research proposal. This proposal must include a cover letter with all relevant contact information; a “Biosketch”, or biographical sketch, based on the AHNA form; a proposal organized according to the AHNA’s guidelines; and a budget for the research project. The research proposal itself must provide a brief overview of current research literature on the chosen topic and display limitations within the existing body of research. The proposal must also demonstrate the candidate’s ability to further knowledge on the chosen topic, and how progress on the particular topic could be relevant to the field of holistic nursing.
All applications must be submitted by e-mail by February 15th of the year that the grant is awarded. All properly prepared and submitted applications will then be reviewed by the AHNA Research Committee. The value of the grant may vary from year to year, depending on the scope of the research projects submitted and according to the donations made to AHNA’s Research Fund in that year.
The specific format of the research proposal will depend on whether the research is quantitative or qualitative. Applicants should consult with the AHNA prior to submitting their proposal, to ensure that they fully conform to the AHNA guidelines. In essence, a quantitative research proposal should include a current literature review; a statement of purpose and research question or hypothesis; the intended research method; the conceptual framework for the project; research variables; a study sample; an overview of the research protocol; an indication of IRB approval; an overview of data collection methods; and a conclusion. A qualitative research proposal should include many of the same elements, as well as a sensitizing framework, explaining the philosophy or framework behind the project. A strong research proposal will make a convincing argument to the project’s usefulness to the field of holistic nursing.
Grant recipients must submit both an annual progress report and a final report on completing the project. Recipients may choose to attend the annual AHNA conference to receive their awards at the award ceremony. Grant recipients are also welcome to present their research findings at the national conference, upon completing their research projects.