Healthcare Scholarship: Kay Wilson Presidential Leadership Award
Overview of the Kay Wilson Presidential Leadership Award
Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology, awards The Kay Wilson Presidential Leadership Award to one outstanding Psi Chi chapter president each year. The award consists of a $500 cash prize, to be used as the honoree wishes. In order to qualify for the award, you must be nominated by your chapter members. The Awards committee will then review nominated chapter presidents and grant the award to the individual who best demonstrates leadership excellence. If you are nominated, you will be informed and must then submit your section of the application.
Both undergraduate and graduate student chapter presidents are eligible for the award. However, in no case may presidents apply themselves. The nominee must have actively provided leadership to his or her chapter. A winning application will demonstrate this leadership ability through clear evidence, such as the planning of local chapter activities, participation in research activities, and/or participation in regional, national or international Psi Chi conferences and events. A winning nomination should also demonstrate the chapter president’s skills in specific accomplishments; his or her commitment to high standards of work performance, ability to inspire group efforts, and exceptional communication skills.
If honored with the award, you will receive an engraved plaque along with the cash award at the APA National Convention. To ensure your ability to attend the ceremony, Psi Chi will cover all travel expenses, in addition to the cash prize. As the recipient, you will also be expected to make a short presentation at the convention, on the theme of the factors most crucial to outstanding leadership. In addition, winning honorees are invited to serve on the Psi Chi’s Society Leadership Committee. The award is non-renewable.
All nominations must be submitted between February 1st and March 1st. The nominee’s portion of the application must then be submitted between March 2nd and April 1st.
The Kay Wilson Presidential Leadership Award is named after a former Psi Chi Executive Director, who demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities during her 12-year tenure. During this time, the amount of awards and grants increased from $5,000 to $225,000. Psi Chi membership doubled and the number of Psi Chi chapters increased from 734 to 1,013 nationwide.