Healthcare Scholarship: Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
This scholarship is a little different. The Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) works to support healthy nutrition initiatives and behaviors, part of which includes the annual conference. The foundation actively invites nutrition students to attend and participate in the conference – for which the scholarship is intended.
Scholarship Overview
The student scholarship offered by SNEB was created to enable one U.S.-based and one international student to attend the annual SNEB conference. This scholarship covers the costs of attendance. Along with the scholarship, you receive a complimentary registration to the conference.
Because you are a student, you’ll have to have become a student member of SNEB – your student status will be verified when a faculty member signs your membership application.
The application process requires you to fill out the SNEB Foundation student scholarship application. You’ll also have to develop an essay answer to the question posed on the application form. Finally, submit your completed application and essay to Sarah Gould ([email protected]).
Requirements of Scholarship
To be considered for this scholarship, you are required to be a student member of SNEB. This requires:
•Proof of full-time enrollment.
•Or, actively working on a degree at any accredited university or college.
•Alternatively, you need to be enrolled and actively participating in a dietetic internship.
•You have to be at the beginning of your career in dietetics, nutrition or a related field. Being “at the beginning” of your career means you have been working in your profession for less than three years.
Essay questions for the 2015 conference scholarship ask how you intend to apply your learning to your current or future research, studies or professional career, as they apply to nutrition education.
Judges will assess your creativity and originality based on the following criteria:
•How your research benefits the nutrition education field.
•How your attendance and exposure to conference work sessions enables you to deepen your career goals as related to nutrition education.
•Your ability to go beyond answering the questions, expressing your ideas and information in a clear manner will also be judged.
This scholarship is unique because it offers the opportunity for you to partner with a mentor.
Scholarship Deadline
Submit your completed application and essay via email by March 1, 2015.
Amount of Scholarship
The number of scholarships awarded varies based on annual funding. For the 2015 conference, one scholarship is being offered to U.S. students, with a second scholarship being awarded to one international student. This year’s scholarship award is $500.